I The Affluent Curse I

The Affluent Curse 

When India opened its gates to the global economy in ealry ninties it created vast opportunities people of India to grow economicaly especially its middle class.Before that post independence two genrarations were living thier life in hardships as there were lesser opportunities as nothing much happening around in terms of devlopment to improve thier income sources. Our parents worked really hard and thier hardwork kept paying hence it improved thier social,economic status.
As the money started flowing in parents of middle class's kids kept giving them every possible comfort they can imagine. Be it clothes,mobiles, bikes,tuitions,private schools etc. Many people who are still catching up with middle class's prpgress thought this was blessing but it was Curse.
The Affulent Curse.
Our parents were children of people who were most probably never went to school.They were either doing farming or doing business their ancestors passed on to them.Awareness about education grew rapidly and they started sending their kids (our parents)to the schools.Life was not easy that time.Everyone used to live in joint family & due to lack of income there were restrictions on spending.Getting food was the prime goal of the family.Children of this generation had worked on their own to make their life more stable.Nobody gave them every thing they dreamed of just like that.They bought their own home,own bike,own car,own mobile.Pretty much of every luxury available today.
They were able to make this happen because of they had strong desire to progress.It was the driving factor of every action they took.They had vision and ambitions of the future.By hook or crook they keep on climbing economic success.Because they were born in a family which never able to provide them comforts like clothes,mobiles,cars,bikes,a proper house etc. It was the real blessing.This enabled thinking process of our parents and they applied it to make money.

Since our parents were deprived of all basic comforts and leisures they started giving them it our generation overwhelmingly.Even if children their children were not demanding it.They gave us best of  nearly everything.Which turn out to be Desire-killer way.Our generation doesn't seems to have that strong desire and ambition to earn a tons of money or create a business empire. It's becoming hard for this generation to make out of their comfort zones. They seems to have totally convinced that breaking this comfort zone and taking leap of faith is not necessary.Its not entirely true either that every one is enjoying the comfort.There are few who lucky enough to have great ambitions and strong desires to make it big.They are slowly marching on the path of their beliefs.But percentage of these people is very less. Others are greatly affected buy the Affulent curse.

This problem must be addressed.Some people are making constructive efforts so that their children won't be affected by this curse.Many of you have heard about billionaire diamond business man from Surat had sent his son with almost no money to Kerala to work for few months.This exercise taught great lessons about to his sonshis son about value of money and respective others in a process.Now he has planned to take their family business to the new heights.
Hugely successful people like Bill Gates & Warren Buffet are keeping very less money in spite of being worlds richest so their children can create their own empires.

I think in India we have to take some steps to approach this neglected issue and be careful while raising up our children so they are not affected by the Affluent Curse.


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