I Evening Well Spent I

Evening Well Spent

Sometimes in life when everything goes very monotonous same routine as it happens with Ved’s life in Tamasha movie & we are completely unaware about it. Suddenly you meet someone completely unknown who makes you think, laugh & adds tons of knowledge.

On Tuesday this week all of sudden at 3.50 pm I got Whats App message from a very updated friend  of mine that there is seminar on “Marketing Sale Strategies” at 4 pm very reluctantly I said yes because the venue was air conditioned as I was so annoyed by October heat…..& it was Free.!!

So with very least expectations I went to it. To my surprise the crowd was odd 60-70  young budding entrepreneurs of Nashik. There were two speakers who was invited to throw some light on “ Marketing Sales Strategies”.

The first speaker was Mr.Hemant Rahti,CMD Rambandhu Masale. He is running the business from last 35 years & shared great deal about how he created Rambandhu Masale from scratch & fought with giants present during that time. In early years he was not sure what business he should start & after some brainstorming he came to that Nashik is famous fro few things like Grapes,Missal & Chivda.  Bu problem is that its perishable item so people cant store it. Then he decided that he should makes instant chivda masala which will help ladies to prepare the chivda at any time of the year. He explained that how much importance its there if you do your business in all legitimate ways. Follow all the rules & regulations if want to create something big. Take away from his session was he put great stress on creating a Vision Wall for you self & if you do something really from heart no matter how much the situation is hard you will find a way.

The seconf lecture was Mr.Sandeep Madane,Management Consultants,Listen Through Us.
He explained greatly about how you should  market your products in Indian Markets using keeping in mind the Indian culture & rituals. He told two things which I think will greatly help everyone in daily life & business.
First is In  today’s scenario you will be selling most probably a same product with a very less margin which is available to 1000 other competitors of yours &  may be online too.Futher due to Whats app,Facebook every one is well informed & aware of whats happening around. So why customer should come to you only and  buy it from you.Lets See. Example : All the petrol pumps sells same petrol all over the city but why people choose a particular pump to fill up their car. Because the difference lies how you treat the customer? What kind of service you  give.Do you smile at him? Do you wash his windshields  ? How you give service to him ? All these things will matter the most. You can not change the product specifications but if you great service he will surely form life long association with you.

The second thing is what you do after Sell is the most important thing. If you are selling a some product and it gets damaged or something no matter what you should spend efforts & time to make it better & that too with the follow up. Some of you will think that there is cost in it & its expense. But not all the things will be measured by  accounting terms. Consider this as investment.Its investment in the future. If you some how able to do it there will be strong emotional bond with you which will be impossible to break. & He will bring you next 100s of customer.

All this session concluded & then in Q & A  I came to know  another gem in marketing which will surely blow your mind. Everyone knows Sula wines.But how they marketed their wines is interesting story. When Sula started its wine business no Wine Shop was keeping Sula wines as the wine shop owners argued that there was no demand. But then team of people have created who used visit all the wine shops in INashik used to  just Ask “ Sula wine aahe ka”  or ” Sula Wine hain kya “This is was happening months .Every wine shop owner used to get 7-8 inquires from different people in same day.!!!! After few days wine shop people started ordering Sula wines & this is how they penetrated Nashik market & then all the cities in India & Rest is history.

So I think we should keep our eyes & ears open so we  might be getting such wonderful opportunity to meet people from diverse area & teach us thing or two.

Surely it was  Evening Well Spent.


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