I प्रकाशवाटा -डॉ। प्रकाश आमटे I

I प्रकाशवाटा -डॉ। प्रकाश आमटे I
Is the only word which describes this amazing book by Dr.Prakash Amte based on his experiences & challenges at Lok Biradari Prakalp at Hemalkasa.

This book is unbelievable story of setting up a project for the betterment of Madia Aadiwasis to bring them in mainstream.Some of the highlights of the book are that experiences of Dr.Kamte's while treating the patients, bear in mind that these are not the ordinary patients.Most of the cases which they treated were rarest of rare ones.Dr.Kamte stresses the fact that if you want to achieve something great it won't be possible without teamwork & man he really got the team who gave it all for their goal.Special mention must be to Jagan Machkale.This book isn't for weak hearted.
If you think that the problems & challenges you are facing in life are hard & frustrating then give couple of hours to read this book.( Its available in English too)
So drop everything right now & read this goosebumps filled ride.Unputdownable.
Lesson learnt : Give something back to our society by whatever way possible & If you are going through dark tunnel,keep walking.
Rating : 4.5/5  


  1. That's a good one. Thanks for bringing out books like these by your reviews. You nailed the essence in your Lesson Learnt. Good job


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