
Showing posts from October, 2016

I The Affluent Curse I

The Affluent Curse  When India opened its gates to the global economy in ealry ninties it created vast opportunities people of India to grow economicaly especially its middle class.Before that post independence two genrarations were living thier life in hardships as there were lesser opportunities as nothing much happening around in terms of devlopment to improve thier income sources. Our parents worked really hard and thier hardwork kept paying hence it improved thier social,economic status. As the money started flowing in parents of middle class's kids kept giving them every possible comfort they can imagine. Be it clothes,mobiles, bikes,tuitions,private schools etc. Many people who are still catching up with middle class's prpgress thought this was blessing but it was Curse. The Affulent Curse. Our parents were children of people who were most probably never went to school.They were either doing farming or doing business their ancestors passed on to them.Awarenes

I Evening Well Spent I

Evening Well Spent Sometimes in life when everything goes very monotonous same routine as it happens with Ved’s life in  Tamasha movie & we are completely unaware about it. Suddenly you meet someone completely unknown who makes you think, laugh & adds tons of knowledge. On Tuesday this week all of sudden at 3.50 pm I got Whats App message from a very updated friend  of mine that there is seminar on “Marketing Sale Strategies” at 4 pm very reluctantly I said yes because the venue was air conditioned as I was so annoyed by October heat…..& it was Free.!! So with very least expectations I went to it. To my surprise the crowd was odd 60-70    young budding entrepreneurs of Nashik. There were two speakers who was invited to throw some light on “ Marketing Sales Strategies”. The first speaker was Mr.Hemant Rahti,CMD Rambandhu Masale. He is running the business from last 35 years & shared great deal about how he created Rambandhu Masale from scratch &